You Won't Believe What Happens Next 😨 Cats just BEING cats.

Cats have dominated the web nearly since its creation, with photographs of cats being exchanged on Usenet well before any individuals had dial-up access.

People have been generating and posting cat memes ever since, immortalising their beloved felines in a plethora of humorous memes that just never cease to entertain us. We've picked up the weirdest, most viral, and most laugh-out-loud amusing cat memes for your convenience, each one stranger and more delightful than the previous.

Cats are the ideal counterpoint to the internet's meme and sharing culture. They're both funny and serious, capable of the most lively agility you've ever seen, then lying asleep almost anywhere.

Cats truly dominate the internet, with their massive personalities and endearing antics. It's no wonder, therefore, that cats were among the earliest internet memes, with legends like Limecat and Grumpy Cat becoming household names almost quickly. There are a slew of other favourites, ranging from the hilarious to the ""ah, gee"" to the evil that lurks within every innocent little kitten.